How Much Weight Can A Trampoline Hold?

How Much Weight Can A Trampoline Hold?

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Written By Melvin

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Figuring out and being able to understand how much weight a specific trampoline can hold is key to ensuring everyone’s safety. The good news is that finding this information shouldn’t be too difficult. The weight it can hold is usually provided by the manufacturer. With that said, whether or not you can trust that the weight is correct is another matter entirely.

The weight that a trampoline can hold will ultimately affect the total price you pay for the product. For this reason, brands often display higher weight limits on their products to make them more attractive in the marketplace. For this reason, it is important to be skeptical of weight limits.

In this article, we will go over some of the best ways to ensure that you get a trampoline that can withstand the expected weight you need and want.

How Much Weight Can A Trampoline Hold?

Best Trampolines Reviews


Typically, the smaller the model, the lower the overall weight limit. Therefore, if you are interested in purchasing a mini trampoline for your child, it is safe to assume that it will not be able to hold the weight of an adult. Generally speaking, the maximum weight of a miniature version is around 150 pounds. Meanwhile, larger backyard trampolines can hold about 400 pounds. Therefore, it should be safe enough to hold about 2 to 3 adults.

Weight and Style


The actual style of the trampoline that you are looking at and purchasing is going to play a critical role in determining the overall weight limit as well. Typically, a rectangular shape is going to be much more likely to be able to hold more weight than its round counterpart. This is because rectangular models are generally designed in a specific way that ultimately reduces the amount of stress that is placed on the springs at any given time.

Whereas, a round trampoline will utilize the strength of the springs during each and every bounce regardless of the actual location that you are bouncing. The location is going to determine the springs that are being used for rectangular trampolines, and therefore, not all springs will be getting used at the same time.

Not to mention, professional gymnasts use rectangular trampolines, so the companies are generally incentivized to increase the weight limits for them because they understand the amount of stress that they are going to be put through as a result of the usage that they are going to be put through.


The materials that are utilized in the production are another thing that can greatly impact the overall weight limits as well. The most important aspects are the springs, frame, and jumping pad. If any one of these materials/aspects is not high quality, your trampoline is going to suffer from a lower weight limit. For this reason, it is critical to find a model that is made by a reputable manufacturer within the industry.


When it comes to buying a trampoline, you want to include all of the above factors to make sure you find a good one. With that being said, you also want to make sure that you are looking at all of the customer reviews to find the correct weight limit. By looking at the different reviews of the product, you should be able to tell which one has the exact weight limit listed on their website/product listing.

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